Date Workout Miles Avg Pace Monday, 9/15 Regular Run 4 9:23 Tuesday, 9/16 Regular Run 7 9:37 Wednesday, 9/17 Yoga 0 -- Thursday, 9/18 Regular Run 6 9:31 Friday, 9/19 Rest 0 -- Saturday, 9/20 Long Run 12.45 9:56 Sunday, 9/21 Rest 0 -- Total Weekly Mileage: 29.45 Last week was my cautious comeback to training. I cut back my weekly runs by a few miles overall, and I only had a twelve-mile long run on the schedule, which was very timely. Because this was my week off in between old job and new job, I was tempted, each morning, to sleep in and gave in to that temptation, each morning. So I ran in the evenings, which is doable at this time of year with the ever so slight shift toward cooler temperatures. I ran at the Upper Tampa Bay Trail on Monday, which I haven't run in probably a year. I enjoy this trail for shorter runs; it has several trailheads and is a little more than seven miles overall. Depending on where you start, it can feel like you're bouncing a...